Friday, December 31, 2010

check my blog for a 70 %HIT RATE .lAST YEAR .SOME MYSTERIOUSLY. 2o11 will be the most active year ever .NORMAL NO LONGER EXISTS. here are some areas i saw of concern. 1.cescetacens and will continue to exhibit od behaviour and visits. 2.westside india near goa has a terrible crash chaos in a flash.3 central africa across the country will erupt in war and genocide chaos UN must intervine .4 record storms will continue in europe food heat water will suffer airports down again.5 .a plane crash may be mexico. 6.BEWARE THE NUMBER 3 THE WORLD WILL CRACK ANYTHING WITH A 3 EARTHQUAKE. miracles will accelerate INTERVENTION HAS BEGUN. 8.water water everywhere not a drop to drink too much too little WATER WARS BEGIN . 9. beware of all vaccinations and your health this is the year of plagues and viruses . 10 more trouble in peru and chile west south america a plane crash. 11 japan wil experience at least 3 earthquakes of 6.9 or more. fires appear as never before B.C greece portugal spain hungary and more and places never before. has a crash, 14.hurricanes devestate mexico .tornadoes have a record year in canada .us early start on tornadoes and will continue for months. 17. isee floods in us and canada with a devastation never seen before gary iowa wash.minn. illinois to many to list . 18 iceland volcanoes erupt worse than before airports shut down a massive econmical hit .19 indonesia erupts volcanoes earthquakes tsunamisand more the crack in the earth began the end. 20 africa put wildlife at risk to satisfy those who want to be rich. 21.pakistan afhganistan will erupt as never before filling the pockets of the super rich .DONT TRUST ALL THE NEW AGE FLUFF ALOT IS ILLUMINATI CONTROLED. 22 MORE MEDIA CONTROL WILL CHALLENGE FREE SPEECH .23 major break throughs in autisim these are light bearers and we have not brought our light to their level.UFOS WILL INCREASE IN NAMES WITH M.LOOK UP .IWILL ASK IF THEY WILL SHOW THEMSELVES IN PEACE . BE AT PEACE PRAY TO YOUR GOD IN LOVE DOGMA HAS NO PLACE NOW FOR THE SURVIVAL OF OUR RACE .ONE MORE POINT THOUGH THE WORLD SEEMS TO BE CRASHING IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE SUN ED DAMES WAS RIGHT HERE .IFEEL A GREAT LOVE I GIVE YOU NOW.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

last post no computer myforecasts came true now till dec. 2011 indonesia is out the gods wring out in a terrible fright pray for them into the night volcanos tsumni and earthquakes too here will begin the tragedy to come worse than 2004 .pacific northwest will awaken the bear hungry and mean to take us to relentless storms records broken in two preparing the way for the rumbling of shatter everyone must scatter .chinas southeast has terror and woe the people uneasy their jobs lost bejing will have trouble facing the cost as well the rivers flow deep the floods will roar worse than before .russias former states erupt in war as never before .fires occur as never before spain portugal greece california too the world will burn like a black mass there are those who welcome the storm they are so forlorn .africa erupts in war sudan chad congo and more everyone wants power and might un ignores this terrible plight a massive genocide in sight .the recession goes crazy people are mad no work no food no answers to fix the rich are getting very rich ..quick pick indianna has a major catastrophe . mexico drug war into usa army sent to stay . colombia has a crash .japan has water too much .usa east coast worst winter in history .arctic tensions increase .so much wil occur EVERYONE HAVE AT LEAST ONE WEEK SUPPLY OF EMERGENCY SUPPLIES ALL YEAR THE WORST IS YET TO COME . i will bring down UFOS AS I DID BEFORE LOOK IN THE SKY .IT IS US THAT WILL DISCLOSE . the illuminati are doing whatever BUT THE ESSENCE OF LIFE IS REALLY IN CONTROL . TIS THE ARIANNA BELOW WHOS END BEGINS WITH ARE OWN THE REINCARNATION TEST HAS ENDED DID WE PASS I DONT KNOW WE CAME AS A WAVE OF LIGHT TO SEE IF WE COULD TAKE THIRD DENSITY LIGHT AND CREATE A FIFTH LEVEL PLANE WE HAVE ATTEMPTED BEFORE IN LEMURIA AND ATLANTIS FOR EXAMPLE SO THE 462,OOO YEAR CYCLE HAS ENDED may be i can post again i send the love of light till then.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


the force is disrupted asia as predicted in may is falling apart inoted south china and pakistan in crisis in my yearly forecast this will continue in asia phillipines is on full alert also pacific northwest still fluid iwill bring down ufos in new york and missouri spread from those locations disclosure will come from us LOOK UP WATCH THE SKIES

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


as before period of august red zones are going crazy do watch west coast phillipines record flood in china drought in india south major storms midwest hurricane to arrive rage up to maritimes weather control has worked past two years not this time also i will bring down more ufos missouri california spread from there

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


hits record floods china in south may 12 train crash india july 18 may 28 on alert west coast rumble july 26 to aug8 also south india indonesia japan 2 month window shake rattle attle and roll force disturbances popping up everywhere

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

may 26 2010

areas of concern la to san fran ceasteans will continue to exhibit odd behavior as said in january miracles signs and wonders wil elevate colombia fire and water records in temperture in middle europe massive war in central africa record drought in north west china indonesia karma bad pray please

Sunday, May 9, 2010

may 9 prediction

central africa war and misery un must come to japan water and fire beware borneo the mark of kings must see these things alaska shaky and wet maybe a jet ring of fire will not stop beware the tides of life oklahoma prepare winds may come unware hits from may 5 nashville sumatra 3 month window

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

the future

nashville came true areas of concern south east asia on alert storms and chaos to come rumbling in the middle east spain and portugalnext to riot economy northeastafrica sand more to come may 5 2010 post