Monday, June 20, 2011


RECAP OF HITS ;#1 first made on dec.31 2010. animals will continue toexhibit weird behaviour and strange visitations.,[worms,blackbirds,jellyfish,whales porpoises ,fish,bigfoot sightings increasing,wolfdogs of b.c ,beavers, open prediction
#2africa central and last yrs ne.,egypt ,nigeria, congo,libya also that a u.n intervention would be neened to avoid genocide(libya). openfor more chaos to come.
#3 trouble and runbling to come to peru and chile. peru has serious political difficulties right now,,chile has had 2, 7.3 earthquakes and volcanic eruption.
#4 big shots dictators will begin to fall like dominoes. Solko[berkshire].imf boss ,the terminator,weinergate,tunisian leader egyption leader,yemeni leader,osama bin laden,berloconi,1970s argentinian generals,serbian general now at the hague,french chirac,prince edward[boy that got shut up quick. friend with billionaire [pedophile]. as you can see the meat of theses predictions are more than you prediction.also mar 5 prediction.
#5miracles and angel visuals will pop up everywhere. look.
#6 germany has riots in north and other diffuculties. e.coli riots in hamburg.
#7 italy volvcanoes come to life on a regular basis.
#8 food and water are major are we to feed the world when we couldnt last year. food riots opened up middle east to violence and chaos. wheat fields in trouble around the world by record floods that have occurred. drought has hit as well. australia (incl.predictions of record cyclones which occurred.
#9 crete erupts etna canadian ship fires at pirates sink ship feerry kills 250 as it sinks. this is about italy meditteraean to turkey.
#10 jan.8 aden and hormuz chaos in a flash. first referencr to unfolding in middle east before any had occurres.
#11 florida lights up,miami fire at airport,strange hum,ufos,wildfires burning now.march5
#12 march 31.ley lin e pressure needs to lessen to stop major quakes more on this on blog.
#13march 31 turkey set to rumble .another ship to israel aid to syria could have severe consequences.
#14 march 31 an asteroid comes so close and so not sees we were lucky occurred in may.
#15 dec.31 ,mar. 5 mar.12,mar.14 referring to the black vortex spreading across joined states, towns will disappear, and casualties will be severe. they will occur where they havent before.iwarned and warned ,no one reads my blog.
#16 mar 16,another strange gun incident over 50 cents. we have had weird shootings in vancouver at 20 times the rate of normal .manchurian candidate ,watch this open prediction.
#17 mar.23 first referenceto japanese cover up and spread of radiation to north america. open prediction
#18 mar.28 israels first foray and latter killing of 22 on border with syria.i cant say enough about israel not getting involved. please pray to counteract those praying for it to happen,
#19 droughts continue to ravage as well as floods /i had warned they would way underestimate this and all flood prone areas would be records. specificaly. arizona,south west .manitoba,extreme .richieleu, misssissippi. i e mailed coast to warn people to move stuff upstairs grab your valuables for quick evacuation,nothing colombia southwest china who also had drought. texas drought,record british drought ,open prediction too many to list.
#20 russia has problems with satellite states. mar.31,dec.31. cheychna bomb airport,georgia border fighting.
#21 another reference to be prepared for tragic tornados,april 30. april27.
#22 food and water to be controlled by the few, monsanto buys whole foods,boycott stores.smithfield still trying to buy the small farmers and create industrial farms everywhere on the planet.
#23. new viruse and plagues.we needto worry about mother nature the 1918 flu ended the 1st world war.camboian flu,japaneses virus whicn killed babies in japan,i predicted death would occur from vaccines,resp,e coli,new resistant bacteria. open prediction.
#23told southwest to conserve water and get water barrels.also to clear brush etc.

#1la quake also time period may june on dec.31 and missed june 12-14 window.
#2 kentucky record floods.
#3 tragic catatrophe in indianna
#4plane crash colombia,mexico.
#5 mysterious ufo event in baja.
#6 ufos came down as called in florida.missouri,but 3 missed

.#2 JAPAN WILL GET 2 AGAIN 7.5 AND UP. CLOSER TO TOKYO GIVES A SCARE .tsunami warnings must be followed.
#3U.s fire will go postal north idaho,california,pacific northwest 60% of b.c.alberta all summer to go with tornadoesnew mexico fires go to west.
#4 iran will continue to go crazy with extreme violence if it does israel will lauhch a preemtive strike.
#5 iceland will have worst eruption to date
#6 huricane comes into gulf and slams mexico,texas,florida,mississippi,louisiana aug. early sept.5 major storms,andrea comes up.south and north get wet and windy.maritimes canada sets record again.
#7 american economy will crash heavy july and aug.
#8oil price to record high,watch how they spinit.#
#9 biggest pirate attack ever killing international soldiers.#
#10 indonesia and phillipinese explode and implode no safety.#
#11 record monsoons devastate bangladesh,burma,viet nam,millions displaced.
#12 riots will explode worse than anticipated across europe. all comes down to security pensions and food plus govt hipprocracy.

this is but a basic recap more in blog and more explanations. the real shit hits the fan on 0ct 31 and on ward

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