Thursday, July 14, 2011

recent hits

#1From jan. 05. 2011 that the bigshots and dictators would start falling like dominoes.Rupert Murdoch is latest titan. These guys dont realize they have lost their overlords .The balance has shifted.Look at all the miracles happening everywhere.The angel gates are open.all this is in previous blogs.
#2 Mumbai i predicted would have another terroist attack also a place near goa chaos in a flash.chaos in a flash means an event erupts quickly and powerfully.
#3 scorching heat predicted chicago recently and phoenix both hit and more in soutwest and south in general.
#4tundra lake alta levelled by this one in ont.and alta.
#5 pacific northwest remains the lion vancouver lowest temp in spring and so called summer. mostly gray.i was hoping i would be wrong about this one.Also frazer river heading for record flood as predicted.the flood is late so i take asa hit.
#6 animal tragedy 2 b.c police dogs killed back to back,sad.White sharks off cape cod.

The u.s is pulling itself east.the extremes will occur here.Are weather machines in the works.I saw in a vision the largest hurricane I had ever seen. the letter A was the letter i saw. The gulf was in danger and what it would do to the oil was unclear ,,Now its fading. This pulling i saw people with machines on their back directing energy away from here. beware the late aug period. People have interest in disaster like halliburton. money is to be made. However the gov. doesnt have any money or resources to deal with another katrina. Last year canadian maritimes got billions of dollars in damage due to what i believe was weather manipulation. the hurricanes that were supposed to head to u.s always seem to magically veer towards canada. lets watch this one. still concernened about south west central japan. a new quake of 7.6. fire and chaos in russia . sudan seems ready for civil war again. money talks. new madrid will rattle a 5.6. kashmir beware. turkey is red fire and shaking scare their citizens.Syria i believe is under a black ops operation,There seems to be some silence there but like i predicted many civilians would die and nothing would be done.Watch all the postering in the middle east over the next 6 weeks. CHAOS begins to rule late sept.

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