Wednesday, August 24, 2011

lost post

Computer washed my page away. Uugh. any way lots going on . The tornado season just leveled a town I know well in canada. Following my prediction of the worst tornado season ever. Cities like calgary edmonton geraldton thunderbay goderich and to many towns to list have all experienced tornados in this record year. Asked next likely area for an event ,I said almost exact center of USA (Colorado quake)?Now for the hurricane. If you read previous blogs you would see me talking how the hurricanes last year all veered ENE and caused storms up east coast and slammed the maritmes in canada with a record breaking billion dollar disaster.Guess what? Irene is veering ENE heading to carolina will go up the east coast with severe widespread storms and head to the maritimes again. WEATHER MACHINE. They cannot let a storm hit the gulf ,the levees will go again ,but its the black gooey death lurking in the depths. this is a catastrophe which just hasnt happened yet. Also japan radiation continues to get worse no matter how they keep it quiet .levels in the west are rising. If you have read my blog theory of ley lines and power points these small quakes are really good. they took pressure off the key madrid fault . they appear at strange places to ease pressure. Are we under divine intervention right now from the sun ,quakes storms chaos ? could things be lessening in intensity even the famine is being taken care of and fewer children dying. Yes deaths are occuring but where are the 1,000,000 deaths that havent occured yet.No plagues ,asteroids gamma, volcanic eruptions, dark winter.,mass starvation ,military deaths? David wilcok said the Golden age is coming and ETS would stand beside president Obama before 2012. instant higher conciousness. Sorry, up to my belief today and everything i say is only a belief. The earth is a science planet particularly genetics. A prison planet which is complicted to understand and run at the moon intergalacticly.EDUCATION AND SERVICE PLANET. We forget we are only here to help others,not gain bliss still mind we are that. our job is learn and serve in love and light. SO sorry David aint happening I will predict that right now as I have already predicted 2012 to be a non event.
#1 I see England shaking again
#2Chile rumbles again
#3 Russia continues to burn and erupt.
#4 Syria will be stubborn and left alone till the saudis who make all decisions in the middle east says so. if intervention occurs saudi said okay.
#5 lebanon erupts again vying for power with syrian troubles.
#6 Montana rumbles at least a 4.3
#7 molotov cocktails erupt thruout Europe . even germany has riots.
#8 next crazy gun event in Nevada.
#9 Major terroist threat throughout new york . next month all be alert copycats and manchurian candidates abound
#10 put central mexico and city on alert rumbling and ash hit the dirt
#11 still see guatemala all wet

Keep the Light on beware you may be entertaining Angels unawares.

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