I found out I was psychic in 1975.I began doing predictions in 2007.I wish to share my gifts.I also do absent healings and would like to work for the police more.We are living in monumental times and our only purpose is to be of service to others however that unfolds.Find even the simplest gifts as all will help with the coming earth changes physically and spiritually.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Quick hit
Just heard Mt etna erupted with a heavier than normal flow and expulsion.Predicted thru out year and sept.21 as impending any day.Still open.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
week hits
#1 phillipines floods san mateo displaces 100,000's.Predicted as an area of trouble and water on sept 21 and rushing water vision for the entire fall period.on sept.25.
#2 Another crazy shooting in vancouver we have had at least 12 of these events which i predicted jan 2011.Due to change in conciousness and manchurian candidate trials,more will come just think back this year,tuscon,san antonio,norway,china(countless).colorado,issaqua wash.check your oown area remember they are zany and random.
#3 barcelona stops bullfighting (about time).goes to animal behaviour prediction on dec.31 2010.Northern spain has a portal in the mountains or hills that leads to future.(they know years in advance).Fortunately they are on are side and to counter balance the iraq portal which vibrates negative(the real reason to be in iraq),
keep the light on
#2 Another crazy shooting in vancouver we have had at least 12 of these events which i predicted jan 2011.Due to change in conciousness and manchurian candidate trials,more will come just think back this year,tuscon,san antonio,norway,china(countless).colorado,issaqua wash.check your oown area remember they are zany and random.
#3 barcelona stops bullfighting (about time).goes to animal behaviour prediction on dec.31 2010.Northern spain has a portal in the mountains or hills that leads to future.(they know years in advance).Fortunately they are on are side and to counter balance the iraq portal which vibrates negative(the real reason to be in iraq),
keep the light on
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The day has come and gone I dont know if anything happened of significance,Yet it is still a time of major upheavel till the end of year.Serious flooding in B.C again of record proportion.predicted Dec.31 2010 .One of many this year while living in the dark moors of endor.I just see alot of rushing water rain dams overflowing thruout the world.
Divine intervention.Xclass flares cause no problems.Hurricanes veer ENE as predicted (weather machine).Famine easing.Middle east uprisings except yemen calming down.Yemen was specifically predicted as a chaos area for 2011.Nuclear facility in japan (no word).Space junk falls in ocean.By protecting us in a medium way is it going to explode because of this.Only time will tell.
Recommend Vision Quest by Debra Pratt producer of quantam leap.Free download of book.About untapped powers and the youth of the world finding these powers and changing the world.Also parallel universes and lives.Thats easy deja vu.When you put down your keys and turn around and they are gone only to come back.Feeling disoriented and viewing the scene in front of you as different. Keep the light on.
Divine intervention.Xclass flares cause no problems.Hurricanes veer ENE as predicted (weather machine).Famine easing.Middle east uprisings except yemen calming down.Yemen was specifically predicted as a chaos area for 2011.Nuclear facility in japan (no word).Space junk falls in ocean.By protecting us in a medium way is it going to explode because of this.Only time will tell.
Recommend Vision Quest by Debra Pratt producer of quantam leap.Free download of book.About untapped powers and the youth of the world finding these powers and changing the world.Also parallel universes and lives.Thats easy deja vu.When you put down your keys and turn around and they are gone only to come back.Feeling disoriented and viewing the scene in front of you as different. Keep the light on.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Very Troubled
Tommorrow begins a massive change and acceleration of disasters, wars, riots, floods,quakes. the areas showing up on radar phillipnes vietnam sumatra area,pakistan,( center crack).us east coast,gulf texas louisianna ( on with the weather machine ) they cant stop both at the same time.middle east is so tense it is ablaze. Only saudi and bahrain are safe.etna stays active (heavier) .north alberta canada ,japan takes a terrible roll water twists and turns and boils over. is the nuclear plant safe.?these are some areas that show up on the ley line center and branch points.would like to be more accurate but i am only shown countries which means at one level its a countrywide event
#1 California fires sept.11 predicted dec.31 2010
#2 guatemala quake 5.8 heavy rain predicted repeatedly about Guatemala as a hot zone of activity
#3 Yemen violence kills 52 ,little media coverage, predicted numerous times ,no oil here , but danger of terroists ,democracy is equal or we have none. Syria has left the media with a promise of reform and a stop to the violence(nothing has been heard since need twitter).Then bahrain saudi arabia,the people erupted there as well.No interference .2 terribly corupt regimes whos rulers own 50 palaces while their people live in poverty.Vested american interest (oil) and navy and military bases they cannot afford to lose. So democracy doesnt exist if a vote is meaningless.voting is for corporate control otherwise the USA would create a viable center party doing its job as an alternative .Sometimes this is why people get angry with America not the people but policy and that has to change. We will continue to follow this middle east,arab, israeli siuation which i believe will erupt any day now
#4 cyclone leaves Japan all wet. 1.000.000 people were displaced. previous water predictions and 2 this past month
#5 Wonderful change of pace . BLUE WHALES,in a huge pod off california coast . goes to my yearly prediction of the strange and odd behaviour and visitations of cestaceans and animals.Part of this is warning but it is also about the change in the collective mind. showing us we are part of a new begining.
9 new crime bills in effect in 100 days.totally taking our entire rights and freedoms with the right to invade my computer ip email what i watch log on to with NO WARRANT.All drug dealers go to jail no exceptions. sell a joint go to jail.building of prisons to house this sector even though all studies have proven this system doesnt work. I know the crime rate in canada is down i believe in the states as well so why are our countries building more prisons .It costs 108,000 dollars to house a prisoner in canada that could be used for treatment for addicts and detox on demand affordable housing for familys,infrastructure job projects in hard hit areas like nanaimo bc. .
Enough for now keep the light on.
#2 guatemala quake 5.8 heavy rain predicted repeatedly about Guatemala as a hot zone of activity
#3 Yemen violence kills 52 ,little media coverage, predicted numerous times ,no oil here , but danger of terroists ,democracy is equal or we have none. Syria has left the media with a promise of reform and a stop to the violence(nothing has been heard since need twitter).Then bahrain saudi arabia,the people erupted there as well.No interference .2 terribly corupt regimes whos rulers own 50 palaces while their people live in poverty.Vested american interest (oil) and navy and military bases they cannot afford to lose. So democracy doesnt exist if a vote is meaningless.voting is for corporate control otherwise the USA would create a viable center party doing its job as an alternative .Sometimes this is why people get angry with America not the people but policy and that has to change. We will continue to follow this middle east,arab, israeli siuation which i believe will erupt any day now
#4 cyclone leaves Japan all wet. 1.000.000 people were displaced. previous water predictions and 2 this past month
#5 Wonderful change of pace . BLUE WHALES,in a huge pod off california coast . goes to my yearly prediction of the strange and odd behaviour and visitations of cestaceans and animals.Part of this is warning but it is also about the change in the collective mind. showing us we are part of a new begining.
9 new crime bills in effect in 100 days.totally taking our entire rights and freedoms with the right to invade my computer ip email what i watch log on to with NO WARRANT.All drug dealers go to jail no exceptions. sell a joint go to jail.building of prisons to house this sector even though all studies have proven this system doesnt work. I know the crime rate in canada is down i believe in the states as well so why are our countries building more prisons .It costs 108,000 dollars to house a prisoner in canada that could be used for treatment for addicts and detox on demand affordable housing for familys,infrastructure job projects in hard hit areas like nanaimo bc. .
Enough for now keep the light on.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
quick hits.
#1 Crazy hatchet event with man killing 1 girl and 3 others for no apparent reason. Goes to prediction a couple of weeks ago about a crazy violent event in south china and yearly prediction of manchurian candidate testing and crazy violent events worldwide increasing. This is due to the changing conciousness and its intersect with the last powerful gasps of the negative ions..
#2 Randy was arrested today . I worked hard on this kidnapping case and i hope my psi ability helped in the ethers. What i can tell you is this is not the first time miracles have occurred thru me. I truly believe i can influence a major event,Jesus said we had the power to move mountains and we were gods.Was he lying?
#3 monsoons storms hit thailand 200,000 displaced. vietnam hit as predicted a few weeks back. More rain storms to flood this entire southeast.
#2 Randy was arrested today . I worked hard on this kidnapping case and i hope my psi ability helped in the ethers. What i can tell you is this is not the first time miracles have occurred thru me. I truly believe i can influence a major event,Jesus said we had the power to move mountains and we were gods.Was he lying?
#3 monsoons storms hit thailand 200,000 displaced. vietnam hit as predicted a few weeks back. More rain storms to flood this entire southeast.
Monday, September 12, 2011
I have said i would like to work with missing kids more often.This takes alot of energy but can be worth it. Case in point. We had a case in b.c where a 3 yr old boy was kidnapped from his home by a known sex offender. I will use first names only. I saw sean alive driving in randys brown camry. I moved with my mind into the front seat and sean was sleeping in the back seat. I told randy i wanted to get him to drive the boy home and place him back in his bed where he took him . Itold him i would make him invisible.he could do it and the cops wouldnt stop him. He could then leave and do what he wished. yesterday the boy was returned back in his bed and randy disappeared. A complete amber alert cops and neighbors everywhere and he just drove up and placed the boy back in his bed. media tries to say it was a plan but unknown (possible). Cops do not want to look bad as they have botched this case from the beginning including alberta not issuing an amber alert for 2 days. Hes safe, Robert isn't . People hate him even though the family has forgiven him and want to help him get help. Suicide is with him i will spend more time getting him to turn himself in. Well this happened exactly as i did my vision and viewing for 2 hours. DID I OR DIDNT I . BELIEVE IT OR NOT.
#1Florida is red on aug 28. Major shooting in nightclub kills 2 wounds 22 sept.10 it ran blood some folks said..
#2 wild fires in california i predicted on dec.31 and other dates well before sept 10 event. fires will get worse.
#3 Hurricane katea went exactly as predicted. it was heading to florida where it suddenly veered ene then missed entirely . weather machine watch this closely. See the sharp veering west only to go ene.
DIDyou know that of the worlds top 120 economies nearly half are corporations not countries. When they became an entity not bound by govt regulations it became almost impossible to sue them or hold them accountable.Dont in any way think corps. arent running our world at our expense. Ihad more to blog but i am getting tired so Keep the light on.
#2 wild fires in california i predicted on dec.31 and other dates well before sept 10 event. fires will get worse.
#3 Hurricane katea went exactly as predicted. it was heading to florida where it suddenly veered ene then missed entirely . weather machine watch this closely. See the sharp veering west only to go ene.
DIDyou know that of the worlds top 120 economies nearly half are corporations not countries. When they became an entity not bound by govt regulations it became almost impossible to sue them or hold them accountable.Dont in any way think corps. arent running our world at our expense. Ihad more to blog but i am getting tired so Keep the light on.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
been away.some hits .
#1 Volcanos will erupt in Italy and Indonesia.Erupted Sept 3.These were based on alot of early predictions as well incl.feb 10 2011.ALSO events that would occur in 3 months. prediction made aug.29 2011.
#2 Irene did as i predicted on aug.24.It veered ene brought heavy storms to east coast and then hit the canadian maritmes. Again this happened. it will happen with katrea as well. It is already heading nne.also gulf tropical storm dissipated as i saw in my vision.Massive power is somehow magically dissipated.
#3Nevada gun violence .5 killed military personnel. predicted on aug. 24 that the next crazy gun event would be in nevada.event occured sept. 5 .DIRECT HIT.
#4 Volcano and quake activity in mexico city and central mexico. both quakes and eruptions occurred.Prediction made aug. 24.Events occurred sept.1.
Isee some swirling power on northwest india pakistan coming soon. middle east will need divine intervention very soon terroism and saber rattling will occur at a pitched level.massive cyclones continue to hit vietnam tawain phillipines and others. So many areas of record not normal storms. If its not media heavy or a record its a miss to me.new madrid shakes stronger than before of 5.3 plus.i only see riots and molotov cocktails in europe.russia staying mum on 25% of wheat loss due to fires.
Talk tonight of a nuclear terroist attack. Coast guest very sincere with his info. I have known since grade 2 that a nuclear event would not occur.The aliens let me know it is not allowed and just about flipped out when we dropped 2 in WWII. ALL the testing was to end but of course it didnt. Ask North Korea who visited them after their little shenaigans. Nuclear explosions to kill people, contaminate this jewel planet are I say again NOT ALLOWED.Keep the light on.
#2 Irene did as i predicted on aug.24.It veered ene brought heavy storms to east coast and then hit the canadian maritmes. Again this happened. it will happen with katrea as well. It is already heading nne.also gulf tropical storm dissipated as i saw in my vision.Massive power is somehow magically dissipated.
#3Nevada gun violence .5 killed military personnel. predicted on aug. 24 that the next crazy gun event would be in nevada.event occured sept. 5 .DIRECT HIT.
#4 Volcano and quake activity in mexico city and central mexico. both quakes and eruptions occurred.Prediction made aug. 24.Events occurred sept.1.
Isee some swirling power on northwest india pakistan coming soon. middle east will need divine intervention very soon terroism and saber rattling will occur at a pitched level.massive cyclones continue to hit vietnam tawain phillipines and others. So many areas of record not normal storms. If its not media heavy or a record its a miss to me.new madrid shakes stronger than before of 5.3 plus.i only see riots and molotov cocktails in europe.russia staying mum on 25% of wheat loss due to fires.
Talk tonight of a nuclear terroist attack. Coast guest very sincere with his info. I have known since grade 2 that a nuclear event would not occur.The aliens let me know it is not allowed and just about flipped out when we dropped 2 in WWII. ALL the testing was to end but of course it didnt. Ask North Korea who visited them after their little shenaigans. Nuclear explosions to kill people, contaminate this jewel planet are I say again NOT ALLOWED.Keep the light on.
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