Wednesday, September 21, 2011


#1 California fires sept.11 predicted dec.31 2010
#2 guatemala quake 5.8 heavy rain predicted repeatedly about Guatemala as a hot zone of activity
#3 Yemen violence kills 52 ,little media coverage, predicted numerous times ,no oil here , but danger of terroists ,democracy is equal or we have none. Syria has left the media with a promise of reform and a stop to the violence(nothing has been heard since need twitter).Then bahrain saudi arabia,the people erupted there as well.No interference .2 terribly corupt regimes whos rulers own 50 palaces while their people live in poverty.Vested american interest (oil) and navy and military bases they cannot afford to lose. So democracy doesnt exist if a vote is is for corporate control otherwise the USA would create a viable center party doing its job as an alternative .Sometimes this is why people get angry with  America not the people but policy and that has to change. We will continue to follow this middle east,arab, israeli siuation which i believe will erupt any day now
#4 cyclone leaves Japan all wet. 1.000.000 people were displaced. previous water predictions and 2 this past month
#5 Wonderful change of pace . BLUE WHALES,in a huge pod off california coast . goes to my yearly prediction of the strange and odd behaviour and visitations of cestaceans and animals.Part of this is warning but it is also about the change in the collective mind. showing us we are part of a new begining.

9 new crime bills in effect in 100 days.totally taking our entire rights and freedoms with the right to invade my computer ip email what i watch log on to with NO WARRANT.All drug dealers go to jail no exceptions. sell a joint go to jail.building of prisons to house this sector even though all studies have proven this system doesnt work. I know the crime rate in canada is down i believe in the states as well so why are our countries building more prisons .It costs 108,000 dollars to house a prisoner in canada that could be used for treatment for addicts and detox on demand affordable housing for familys,infrastructure job projects in hard hit areas like nanaimo bc. .
Enough for now keep the light on.

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