Monday, March 21, 2011


this is something i keep thinking about beliefs . beliefs are something i keep thinking . that does not make them true .they change as i learn more or get absolute truth about something . what is true i live it what i dont know i dont know . extreme beliefs cause the destruction of humanity .to take away the beliefs of someone causes them to collapse. for example end times,the destruction of the planet the higher conciousness coming the return of the messiah. for this to not happen is tragic to the believer. to have it come true validates their belief system . it can be also i told you so . so i believe the planet is going thru a shift of conciousness .ilook at what is happening to me and my psi ability seeming to continue to develip in spite of me . good show on coast about this. i do know this to be if we unite in conciousness we will have a dramatic influence on what we are going thru today. if you want disclosure to happen it comes from us we need to gather all over the world by our conciousness ask them to make an appearance everywhere in a series of sightings not seen since ancient times. they will not be able to hide it anymore because it will be rampant . next blog cattle mutilations. gray haze makes its way across southwest no one knows where it comes from .george mentioned this on coast tonite .i saw it spread more than just las vegas . its an organic twist based on the quakes and rems .that is lifting earth like a mild quake for know .ever since i tried to contact coast my life has been very uncomfortable i have a bout of bad luck and it has had an effect on my psi ability. so if they dont contact me i wiil write these for myself as i have no one to talk to about this i guess .since only one person has read this i cant go wwide so coast would not release my blog that is why i contacted them.

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