Sunday, March 20, 2011


perhaps it is best not to be accurate some of the predictions i made can be expanded if i could explain some of the symbolism i see to someone . maybe people need to go about their lives oblivious to what is going on around them. we cannot change what is to come but staying in the service of others and prayer or whatever you use to reach out to the world can definately mitigate suffering . my prophecy about japan ,shaking nand rattling in japan ,that japan would have water to much ,that japan would get at least 3 quakes of 6.9 or more .in my saeled files in doctor office and other sealed envelopes i said 7.5. so if people saw that that would be i will still do them but i am also going to share knowledge ive learned from outside sources and inner and alien. for example the nwo, used to be a wrestling alliance. yes it seems a group of people are pulling in unions to one world government. behind the scenes it is a higher intelligence above them who has really doing it . they got to reincarnate by having their souls retreived to reincarnate to these so called royal type people . we came to be of service here .redcross 1111 phone # end for red cross showing up and a spiritual uplift in 1987. 11.11 is to remind we are here only to love and be the good samaritan all the time their is no test no spiritual school no brownie points for doing what is ever called truth .here it gets tricky . WE ARE THE BROWNIE POINTS. AL THE GREAT TEACHERS RELIGIONS HAVE TOLD US WHAT TO DO THROUGH HISTORY. LOVE AND HELP OTHERS ALL ELSE IS DOGMA EVEN WHEN IT IS WONDERFUL. ITS ABOUT MAKING ARE SERVICE WONDERFUL THATS WHY WE GET JOYS IN LIFE BECAISE IT IS A LOT EASIER TO HELP WHEN JOY AND LIFE COME TOGETHER . IFEEL LIKE AM RAMBLING SO I STOP NOW. i will write what i see more often because it is interesting like the moon is a space station like babylon5 or deep space 9 all that activity is happening for a reason.

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