Monday, July 11, 2011

quick hits

#1Pakistan violence and terroism up 145% will still increase with afghanistan,where 34 people were recently killed.Open prediction since dec.31.worse to come,watch islamabad.
#2sudan kicks out UN war to come .Even after historic peace accords. again wars in africa.spoke specifacally about sudan in march.
#3 Ferry crash sinking off baja kills 54. many missing july 6.predicted a crash in baja. I leaned to a plane crash which is still open .baja has alot of swirling energy around it good and bad.Like the
bermuda triangle we shall see. prediction made dec.31.
#4Explosion at military base cypress. predicted explosions and eruptions in east meditteraen.Also near turkey recently .Cyprus is off turkey.

West central minnesota sees severe storms winds and water towns gone away. San diego has wild wind someone may have started a fire.Southern florida has firelight and wind blown away many things .Chicago gets its heat record but at the tragedy of elders.Mexico city has more rumbles ,shaking and assault from gangsters.Guatemala or place near there has a water event unaware. Venezuela is red with heat it covers up what i see or hear. Many aftershocks of 7.2 plus will occur in japan.One will affect the nuclear reactor.North central west japan may create a new quake and water.This can relieve pressure off the major quake still coming.It will occur on my ley point quake theory explained in my blog. Russia on fire kept quiet as also black ops on terroists,also now trade in rubles and yuan not the dollar with china. The descent in value of the dollar will lead to economic chaos in U.S as i predicted would happen in july .This was just one event of many that will impact the dollar.when i saw 60 minutes showing a bus picking up kids at a shelter so they could go to school i cried.. This is the way the american dream is fading.etna and others erupt again so does iceland and indonesia J. this is a quick overview of some things to watch in the next 4 months or so .Some of this is just common sense not predictions .Some of it is obvios patterns. next blog i will spend time to narrow point and place. The previous is to keep our minds open.I only spent 5 minutes getting these impressions .I need to learn remote viewing. See you soon when i get a good map.

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