Saturday, April 30, 2011

coming up

#1 kentucky west surrounding big tornado hit coming ,all areas with letter g make sure you are prepared.
#2 central alabama south east mississippi hot areas the whole area is rife greenville name stays in my head. all this tornado chaos i have referred to starting on dec.31 2010 .
#3 iheard the sound of crinkling tin foil in florida.

royal wedding snore.did you know we are still owned in some way by the crown ,canada. everybody look here dont look at whats going on in congress,the civilian murders in bahrain yemen saudi or syria. all have interest in u.s foreign policy.
did you know china is now consuming 25% of the worlds meat supply.this is un sustainable. grain will not keep up with continuing consumption .china will grow and grow .there extra money is buying american meat as our own consumption is dropping.. what can we say sorry china we know you are going to get another 200,000,000 out of abject poverty and some of those will use the money to eat better. yet the pollution in the most pollutted country in the world will destroy more of their habitat which will only create floods droughts etc. of massive destruction .this is why i see the first plague as the first extreme depopulation event. i envisioned haarp beaming to england during royal wedding.also notice great weather when it was suppose to be terrible.can we say weather machine .

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

been away

Lotsof hits since last post.
#1. manitoba admits it was not anticipated the freak weather that caused the record flood ctv news .
#2 record tornadoes storms . I saw the black vortex in my prediction . Also tornadoes would come early and wide appearing were they havent before and more all posted in earlier blogs on post. REMEMBER when i give predictions i only include record ,worst in memory , unimaginned. hard to get exact sites but i did list one town i think i predicted got hit .
#3 miracles ,baby falls 4 stories not a scratch .
#4 pakistan increasing attacks at an accelerated pace.afghanistan frees prisoners inside job.drone kills 20 in pakistan afghan border.taliban ambushes 14 soldiers killed.they will not stop this as i predicted will only increase.
#5 pacific northwest wakes hungry and cold . vancouver headed to record cold for april hibernation is affected


#1 ROYAL WEDDING . getting married on a 29 or 11 master number.add april a 4 month and you get 33 supreme avatar. add year you get a 1 year the year of leadership power . take that for what it is i am not a numerologist .looks almost like a saviour. also this weird comment ,we must hurry to get her into the colonial . what the hell is the colonial and why are they in a hurry . she is not a commoner. what a great way to get people to forget our journey. aweee princesses and handsome princes do exist .I get cynical they have the higher level of blue lizard blood .
#2 passing of sai baba another light filling the one. preparing the way as other spiritual lights recent cord cuttings have done.
#3 politics we are in an election .i am dreadfully in fear of a majority conservative government .only gov. to be callin in contempt ,lying to the people of canada.more crooks and frauds hidden backroom stragedy without any press with out harpers approval. he is king ,it is the harper gov. now not the gov. of canada. he spins the ethnic and immigrant vote where most only know a few matters and harpers gov. has done nothing of significance to improve their lives .he touts jets that ultimately will be less effective than needed billions more than stated. hooked into the military industrial complex ,the us prison system totally ineffective in the long run..i want to see those frequent criminals, gangs ,organized crime ,,child assault,etc needs to be looked at further many cases are not fufilling justice. THIS GUY HARPER IS IN CAHOUTS WITH THE SECRET CABAL OF EXTREME RIGHT WINGED CHRISTIANS WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE DIVINELY GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO GOVERN THE WORLD ON THOSE EXTREME BELIEFS . I AM NOT KIDDING THEIR THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST SENT BY JESUS TO GOVERN AND PREPARE FOR HIS SECOND COMING. ALL RUN ON CAPITAL HILL .MONEY POWER GOD. we cannot let a few neo christians from the prairies ,the ethnic immigrant vote ,rural canada. run our country .JUST DONT VOTE HARPER.HES THE ONE THAT PUT CANADA ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL DINOSAUR .
#4 CANUCKS won game seven . toooo..close. i still see a fish and and a star with the fish winning

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Ihavebeen away so here are some hits
#1wars still out of control ,yemen kills 17 demonstraters, ivory coast intensifiying, nigeria uprioting as I speak, syria killing as many as 100 innocents. these violations will continue to increase .
#2 strange insane violence ,rio,maro 12 children killed .please watch your own areas for this strange behaviour . in van. we have had 6 when we would be lucky to have 1 .
#3 pirate attack overtaken by dutch ,7 pirates killed crew safe. this was predicted about a month ago. only major ones like this.
#4 angels touching the other guys movie,angel gates open. this will blow you away when you put it in your mind .it will pop up evertwhere.
#5 record floods in fargo and areas.record in swift current. winnipeg record flood closed border. flood on alert due to conditions they cant predict on science.mother earth herself, other intelligences alien and other. are also involved . this is why i believe my psi is open to help with this n..I know a lot think im general but i pick the area or country not otherwise..I ONLY PREDICT RECORDS OR NEAR RECORDS TO COUNT. also on droughts,botswana is suffering their worst in history..record floods droughts to put massive spenditure on all disaster projects and you know whos running these companies the cabal,nwo, etc..western countries will run out of funds for these tradgedies.
#6 storms ,the storms,the storms.the huge black funnel lightning and dark.tornadoes occur where never before all these predictions have been predated in myblog . iowa indianna mapleton others predicted. GET KITS TOGETHER. THOUGH THESE STORMS ARE TRAGIC MORE IS TO COME . 28000 KIDS DIED OF CURABLE DIEASE TODAY ALONE.THE WORLD IS A TRAGEDY.. THAT SAYING , BIG ONE DOENT FEEL IMMINATE .ALSO I AM EXPERIENCING A TAP TAPTAP TAP AT NIGHT IS THIS SOS.?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

quick post

250 lost in meditteraen fleeing libya in unauthorised boat. this is an open prediction for activity and loss of life and damage. the area is hot ,force of life is very active. yemen again shoots 17 innocent civilians as i have talked about with dec31 jan8 predictons that aden would be the area i stated specifically that civilians would be killed. again no intervention . bahrain ,saudi, syria all killings innocents. comments look here ,LIBYA,not japan not the arab countries with strong U.S ties. the really bad stuff is not being reported . nuclear japan under control no no look here libya. it has been quiet in one sense. the pressure is building . earthquake coming. watch the #3 HERE. HOW CAN AN ECONOMY BE GROWING WHERE 70% OF MEN HAVE A FULL TIME JOB .how many are in low paying jobs?. where are the living wage jobs ? you used to get people paying taxes when they work. sorry the economy is on a collision course. also i am going house sitting so i wont be blogging for awhile i think. george mentioned something towards the end of show tonite and i cant remember right now .it was a hit. MY MIND IS TIRED . more later iberia is covered in foam.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

animal stuff

more weird animal behavior . #1 repeated animal strangeness as an open prediction twice. i am sure i am missing a lot . april 4 rains worms in scotland , thats it today.

Monday, April 4, 2011

events and comments

#1 meditteraen uproar, crete earthquake. am keeping this open . #2 powerful roars a black horse. strange quake type events ,residents across 13 states exclaim this prediction i leave open it has not left my vision. #3 strange animal behaviour, cougar lays down in middle of road gets hit by car. #4 pakistan and afghanistan increase in violence . suicide bomb pakistan mar 31 kills 11, afghanistan attacks un ,bomb attack in kandahar kills 24 april1. pakistan suicide bomb in mosque kills 41 april 3. as i predicted and hold to- upheaval will be uncontrollable that violence will accelerate. #5 indonesia which i have had on alert since last year. i explained this in earlier blogs that the key mother earth ley line was cracked open drawing continual disasters at various levels. java earthquake april 3 tsnumai warning issued on 7.3 quake death and destruction not known as of typing. #6 upheavals in russian satellites . corrupt election results put long term president back in power. he had 95% of vote. russias best interest is to keep him in power.wait to see what this will mean. COMMENTS. bhp ,dyes, flouride ,aspertame ,msg . all within acceptable levels . they are not a threat to human health. they are POISIONS. more and more of these compounds are coming to the forefront as actvively causing harm to us. the cabals say not to worry. they have put this crap in us as a way to mind control ,numb us down, to not question,to die early. [ POPULATION CONTROL.] canada is eliminating aill incandescent bulbs. we all have to use the mercury filled ones . another poision they have been using that they know is toxic. LET US CHALLENGE THE CROOKS TO DRINK DIET POP CHEW SUGARLESS GUM, EAT FRUITLOOPS,ONLY CANNED FOOD USE MSG ON ALL THEIR FOODS . TRIPLE WHAMMY BHP MSG ASPERTTAME WITH DYES FOR COLOR , AND FISH WITH MERCURY USING FLUORIDATED WATER. if you want a clearer mind start to eliminate these foods from your diet. even if you start with aspertame . check labelsto see if its in what you are buying. stop diet pop it adds weight due to increase in appetite. diet pop also gives you a heavy hit. drink sugar pop if you will ,it will help you get off aspertame laced pop. their scientists will tell you more study needs to be done to verify any of this. its weak, conclusions are vague , more testing is needed ....blah blah blah. lets challenge them were it hurts their pocketbook and control. HAVE YOU NOTICED ALL THE ALIEN SHOWS ARE ABOUT TAKEOVERS BY NEGATIVE ALIENS. DO YOU ALSO NOTICE THAT THESE SHOWS GET CANCELLED ALL THE TIME . goodbye V ,THE EVENT NEXT TO GO . remember dark skies . the intruders the visitor and more . just to much info i guess .. i know people will say x files . remember it covered more than ufos so the zany shows weakened the ufo story lines , how about a show on ufo investigators covering real life cases .. take care remember angels are sitting beside right now.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

hits already

yes i am back blogging got over my coast resentment. i hope. i just cant believe they werent interested in my blog thats all. ego gets in way. iam here to help. hit already red roar and light west side of south america.#12 march 31,also #10 dec,31 chile in active tragedy area. also chile had 7.3 quake jan 3 .chile wildfires april1. second #email to george at coasttocoast ,that i saw an explosion in mediteraean and upheavel ..crete had 6.2 quake april 1. alot of predictions come true in first week then month.