Lotsof hits since last post.
#1. manitoba admits it was not anticipated the freak weather that caused the record flood ctv news .
#2 record tornadoes storms . I saw the black vortex in my prediction . Also tornadoes would come early and wide appearing were they havent before and more all posted in earlier blogs on post. REMEMBER when i give predictions i only include record ,worst in memory , unimaginned. hard to get exact sites but i did list one town i think i predicted got hit .
#3 miracles ,baby falls 4 stories not a scratch .
#4 pakistan increasing attacks at an accelerated pace.afghanistan frees prisoners inside job.drone kills 20 in pakistan afghan border.taliban ambushes 14 soldiers killed.they will not stop this as i predicted will only increase.
#5 pacific northwest wakes hungry and cold . vancouver headed to record cold for april hibernation is affected
#1 ROYAL WEDDING . getting married on a 29 or 11 master number.add april a 4 month and you get 33 supreme avatar. add year you get a 1 year the year of leadership power . take that for what it is i am not a numerologist .looks almost like a saviour. also this weird comment ,we must hurry to get her into the colonial . what the hell is the colonial and why are they in a hurry . she is not a commoner. what a great way to get people to forget our journey. aweee princesses and handsome princes do exist .I get cynical they have the higher level of blue lizard blood .
#2 passing of sai baba another light filling the one. preparing the way as other spiritual lights recent cord cuttings have done.
#3 politics we are in an election .i am dreadfully in fear of a majority conservative government .only gov. to be callin in contempt ,lying to the people of canada.more crooks and frauds hidden backroom stragedy without any press with out harpers approval. he is king ,it is the harper gov. now not the gov. of canada. he spins the ethnic and immigrant vote where most only know a few matters and harpers gov. has done nothing of significance to improve their lives .he touts jets that ultimately will be less effective than needed billions more than stated. hooked into the military industrial complex ,the us prison system totally ineffective in the long run..i want to see those frequent criminals, gangs ,organized crime ,,child assault,etc needs to be looked at further many cases are not fufilling justice. THIS GUY HARPER IS IN CAHOUTS WITH THE SECRET CABAL OF EXTREME RIGHT WINGED CHRISTIANS WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE DIVINELY GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO GOVERN THE WORLD ON THOSE EXTREME BELIEFS . I AM NOT KIDDING THEIR THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST SENT BY JESUS TO GOVERN AND PREPARE FOR HIS SECOND COMING. ALL RUN ON CAPITAL HILL .MONEY POWER GOD. we cannot let a few neo christians from the prairies ,the ethnic immigrant vote ,rural canada. run our country .JUST DONT VOTE HARPER.HES THE ONE THAT PUT CANADA ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL DINOSAUR .
#4 CANUCKS won game seven . toooo..close. i still see a fish and and a star with the fish winning
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