Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Ihavebeen away so here are some hits
#1wars still out of control ,yemen kills 17 demonstraters, ivory coast intensifiying, nigeria uprioting as I speak, syria killing as many as 100 innocents. these violations will continue to increase .
#2 strange insane violence ,rio,maro 12 children killed .please watch your own areas for this strange behaviour . in van. we have had 6 when we would be lucky to have 1 .
#3 pirate attack overtaken by dutch ,7 pirates killed crew safe. this was predicted about a month ago. only major ones like this.
#4 angels touching the other guys movie,angel gates open. this will blow you away when you put it in your mind .it will pop up evertwhere.
#5 record floods in fargo and areas.record in swift current. winnipeg record flood closed border. flood on alert due to conditions they cant predict on science.mother earth herself, other intelligences alien and other. are also involved . this is why i believe my psi is open to help with this n..I know a lot think im general but i pick the area or country not otherwise..I ONLY PREDICT RECORDS OR NEAR RECORDS TO COUNT. also on droughts,botswana is suffering their worst in history..record floods droughts to put massive spenditure on all disaster projects and you know whos running these companies the cabal,nwo, etc..western countries will run out of funds for these tradgedies.
#6 storms ,the storms,the storms.the huge black funnel lightning and dark.tornadoes occur where never before all these predictions have been predated in myblog . iowa indianna mapleton others predicted. GET KITS TOGETHER. THOUGH THESE STORMS ARE TRAGIC MORE IS TO COME . 28000 KIDS DIED OF CURABLE DIEASE TODAY ALONE.THE WORLD IS A TRAGEDY.. THAT SAYING , BIG ONE DOENT FEEL IMMINATE .ALSO I AM EXPERIENCING A TAP TAPTAP TAP AT NIGHT IS THIS SOS.?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kerry, Could you clarify #4, about the angels. I really don't understand.
    did you get my message about northern Wisconsin? Do you see anything that I should worry about. Those tornadoes were really something. Good job.
